guess wat hv i been doing during my semester break?
i've been such a good girl. going to school every freaking day :/
FYP oh FYP!because of u my hp to drop into a bucket of dirty water :(
because of u i have so many cuts on my fingers
because of u my hands turn rough n the worse is the damn PIMPLES!!!!
(try singing it with Kelly Clarkson's Because of You tune) owh gawd.....a horrible start off week.
so ppl, my contacts are all gone! smart ass like me just couldnt be bothered to BACK UP n shit! -
nasi sudah jadi bubur :(
byk sad stories last week! my feelings were just very
-ve -ve -ve !!
turning over a new leaf !this week was so so much better
finally i can put a smile on my face! n giggles too!!! kekekeke..
went to the famous pasar malam with my
sistas !! kita gelak macam hantu! hahaha
everybody was wondering who was that? having such an ear-sore laugh!
but who cares!!! we're having a blast! (lok-lok n goreng chicken) yumssss....
n for movie updates:
Si Puteri dan Si Katak is finally
puas i tunggu.. berbulan-bulan
(exaggerate abit) but i am very excited! super excited!!
caramellos*Summary : Set in the city of New Orleans, featuring a beautiful girl named Tiana and a frog, prince Naveen who desperatelywants to be human again, and a fateful kiss that leads them both on an adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana. i love girls with copper skin (pocahontas!)they potray an athelete n outgoing look - lovely* splendid*i'ma gonna update u guys soon, À la prochaine!